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Kefir Yogurt Recipe

Boost your inner ecosystem with the beneficial bacteria in this delicious yogurt to keep your immune system strong.





1. Open the coconuts and strain the coconut water into a bowl. Set aside.

2. Scrape out the coconut flesh, trying not to include any husk, and place in a blender. Add the coconut water and blend until creamy – it should have the consistency of yogurt.

3. Pour the mixture into a glass bowl and add the contents of the probiotic capsules or the probiotic powder.

4. Cover the bowl with muslin (cheesecloth), securing it with the elastic band, and put in a cool, dry, dark place for 1–2 days.

5. When ready, it should taste fairly sharp without a hint of sweetness. Add stevia to taste, then refrigerate and enjoy over the next 7 days. Serve with fresh berries, if using.

Recipe extracted from Heal Your Gut by Lee Holmes (Murdoch Books, £14.99). Photographer: Cath Muscat

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