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Friendly Soap

Q Why is supporting the environment so important to your brand?

A The environment is everything to us. Friendly Soap was created to help protect the environment. We wanted to create a product that impacted on nature as little as possible and a company which focused on sustainability rather than profit.

Q Please tell us about any specific environmental initiatives you have in place.

A We have many initiatives in place to help us achieve our ultimate goal of being a truly eco-friendly company. The first is to make Friendly Soap totally plastic-free, which is well on its way with all our retail and shipping packaging (including our pallet wrap) now made from recyclable plant-based materials. We are also reducing our carbon footprint by swapping out fossil fuels for sustainably created bio-fuels through Good Shipping. On top of this our local deliveries are taken care of by Cargodale on electric bikes. Our team are also proudly involved with planting trees locally through Treesponsibility.

Q Do you support any environmental causes or donate any of your profits to environmental organisations or charities?

A We like to put our money where our mouths are and so have hooked up with various sustainability organisations that are championing environmental causes locally and internationally. Donations and promotions are made through our website to Treesponsibility, Just a Drop, Greenspark and Sea Shepherd that help a range of causes including tree planting, flood alleviation, water distribution, climate change issues and marine life protection.

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Voting for the Your Healthy Living Environmental Champion 2021 has now closed. The results will be announced in the March 2022 issue of Your Healthy Living.