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Your 5-step guide to better health

Natural health tips for women at all stages of life

Adopting a natural approach to wellbeing that includes a healthy diet, good quality supplements and plenty of exercise can go a long way towards a healthier and more balanced life. Here are some expert health tips for women of all ages and at all stages of life.

Follow a healthy diet

"Following a balanced diet full of whole foods, antioxidants and covering our macronutrients and kcal needs is the cornerstone for long-lasting health," says Lucia Stansbie, Registered Nutritional Therapist, ( "What we eat has a massive impact on our overall health, as food is our body's fuel and it can't run optimally with the wrong type, with too little or too much.

Our body's nutritional status can influence our immune, nervous, hormonal and digestive systems as well as our mental health and energy levels. The first step to take our health in our hands is to make mindful choices when choosing the food we are eating. We might think a doughnut is delicious but is it really adding nutrients to our diet? Eating a balanced diet is a form of self-care and investment in our future, as the development of several chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, severe hormonal imbalances and cognitive decline may be accelerated by an unhealthy diet.

To make a step towards a healthier diet, ensure you are hydrated and that you include vegetables and proteins at every meal. Choose healthy fats and limit ultra-processed foods as much as possible. Consult with a nutrition healthcare professional for a tailored diet that will suit your needs and goals and help you to truly thrive."

Keep active through exercise

"Keeping active and exercising are essential components of a healthy lifestyle that is beneficial at all ages," says Amanda Place, Personal Trainer and Founder of Sculptrition ( "Engaging in regular physical activity during youth helps in building strong bones and muscles. Bones reach their peak density in early adulthood (between ages 25 and 30) and engaging in weight-bearing exercises such as running, jumping, or resistance training during this period can enhance bone density and strength. Similarly, regular exercise helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which is vital for mobility, balance, and overall functionality throughout life. Establishing consistent fitness habits early on can help you mitigate the risk of developing osteoporosis and sarcopenia, conditions characterised by weakened bones and loss of muscle mass, respectively, as you age.

Furthermore, maintaining an active lifestyle promotes good cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, and enhances immune function. Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and a reduction in stress.

As you progress in adulthood, it becomes increasingly important to prioritise physical activity and exercise. Sedentary lifestyles are associated with numerous health risks, including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and musculoskeletal disorders. Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, control blood sugar levels, and improve overall metabolic health. Engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, yoga, or strength training can help you maintain mobility, flexibility and balance.

By prioritising physical activity and exercise now, you can achieve optimal health, good mobility, and better overall wellbeing throughout your lifespan."

Maintain good mental health

"Looking after your mental health should not be an afterthought or a last resort but something that we actively think about and plan for, just like we do when we consider our physical health," says Emma Amoscato, mental health trainer and founder of the mental health app Smile (

"Start by asking yourself some questions: What's important to you? What makes you feel better? How can you bring more of that into your day? What tools can you reach for when times are tough? Who can you talk to? By auditing these areas of your wellbeing you can start to create a clear support system.

Knowing what helps your mental health on a daily basis, like time in nature or exercise, and also what tools you can use when you are struggling are both equally important. Schedule in time for your mental health, just like you would a meeting or dentist appointment. Practising things like mindfulness or grounding techniques regularly can make it easier to access them in difficult times.

We know that practising gratitude can improve our mental health but sometimes it can feel hard to do, especially if we are dealing with challenging circumstances. Instead, look for the glimmers of good in every day – enjoying the soft evening light, a cuddle with your dog, a nice hot cup of tea – and get into the habit of savouring them.

Finally, take a moment now to gently shut your eyes, take a deep breath, relax your jaw and shoulders, feel your feet on the ground and ask: ‘How am I feeling? What do I need?' Do this regularly to check in with yourself and prioritise your wellbeing."

Look after your gut

"As well as supporting digestion, gut health has a central role in immunity, mood, skin health and metabolism, and is vital in supporting hormone balance," says Adrienne Benjamin, the in-house nutritionist for Pro-Ven Probiotics ( "As a result, supporting gut health is important during all stages of a woman's life, including the following:

Balance your hormones

"Hormonal balance is essential for every woman's health at every stage of life," says Claire Hitchen, a BANT Registered Nutritionist specialising in hormone health, fertility and pregnancy ( "From adolescence to menopause, your hormones are invisible messengers keeping everything working properly in the female body.

Far beyond just regulating your menstrual cycle, hormones influence your mood and emotional wellbeing, energy levels, skin and gut health, as well as reproductive health, fertility and sex drive. Pregnancy brings hormonal surges crucial for the baby's development, while menopause marks a significant hormonal shift affecting mood, bone health and more.

Hormones in harmony pave the way for stable moods, regular cycles, restful sleep, better energy, mental wellbeing and maintaining a healthy weight. Balanced hormones can also shield against more serious health issues, with oestrogen balance linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer.

But when your hormones are out of whack, it can affect your entire body. This can lead to mood swings, irregular cycles, infertility, fatigue, poor sleep, weight fluctuations, brain fog, hot flashes and mental health challenges.

Contraceptives, stress, conditions like thyroid disorders, PCOS and endometriosis, nutrient deficiencies and poor gut health, as well as going through pregnancy, breastfeeding and perimenopause, can all contribute. The good news is that there are many natural ways to nurture hormone health.

Eat Med-style. A Mediterranean-style diet, rich in colourful, high-fibre and anti-inflammatory foods, supports optimal hormone health. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants, alongside wholegrains, legumes, lean protein and healthy fats nourish both your gut health and hormones.

Try breathing exercises and mindfulness. Stress triggers the release of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), which can contribute to disturbed sleep, food cravings, low energy and weight gain. Deep breathing and meditation can relax the nervous system.

Ditch hormone disruptors. Chemicals in plastics and non-stick pans (BPA, PFAS, phthalates) are ‘endocrine-disrupting chemicals' and mess with your hormones. Use non-plastic food containers and choose cookware free from toxic chemicals.

Prioritise sleep. Sleep is essential for hormone balance and managing cortisol. Sleep hygiene habits like consistent bedtime routines, limiting caffeine after 3pm and ditching your devices an hour before bed can help.

Consider specific supplements. Vitamin D is essential for hormone regulation. Ashwagandha and omega-3 could benefit stress, inflammation and help to regulate your cycle by balancing reproductive hormones. Check with your GP or qualified nutritionist before taking supplements."

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