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Let’s HIIT the park

High intensity interval training is a simple and effective way of getting fit, says Stephanie Hazelwood

High-Intensity Interval Training is a quick, effective and enjoyable way of maximising your fitness programme to gain big benefits, fast. The following 20-minute full body HIIT workout aims to burn calories, boost your cardio capacity, increase balance and strengthen your core. If the weather is good, you might want to try it in your local park.

The routine is broken into several exercises and to be performed twice, excluding the one-minute warm-up, which is to be done once. The duration of each exercise and rest time varies accordingly:

1. Warm up – Gentle jog
Duration: 1 minute.
Rest: 30 seconds

2. High knees
Duration: 30 seconds
Rest: 30 seconds

3. Squats
Duration: 1 minute
Rest: 30 seconds

4. Walking lunges
Duration: 1 minute
Rest: 30 seconds

5. Burpees
Duration: 30 seconds
Rest: 30 seconds

6. Single-leg bicycles
Duration: 1 minute
Rest: 30 seconds

7. Plank
Duration: 1 minute
Rest: 30 seconds

The wonderful thing about a HIIT workout is that it never gets boring. You can switch it up, alter the timings and change the location dependent on your needs!

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